Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Get Well Gift

 One of the nicest and most valuable get well gifts that I received after my ankle replacement surgery was a housekeeping service.  My father and brother gave me this, and let me tell you, it saved my life and house.  Although my husband was capable of taking care of the housework, and everything else for that matter, he wasn't always available to run the entire show due to his extensive travel.  I was conditioned to look forward to every Tuesday when my housekeepers would come and shine everything up and make the house smell good, dust and mop,  and fold my towels as if I were on a cruise.  They really did that.  My towels were made into fans, so were my papertowels and tiolet paper.  What a nice treat that was.  WAS is the operative word.  No more housekeepers for me.  I am slowly (turtle-like) getting back into the "normal life" swing of things.  Keeping up with my daily responsiblilities has been quite the challenge. As much as I would like to think that everything is perfect, easy and fine, I am often reminded that it is not.  I am still healing, and I must respect that and be patient.  I am not invincible....yet.
Housekeeping is back on me now, the service is just not a luxury that we can afford right now.  Now that I am doing everything myself again I realize how spoiled I was! Since every step I take is slow and deliberate, what would normally take me a couple of hours to do, takes all day. I have become an expert at slow motion cleaning.  I can't finish everything in one day, because my ankle needs a rest, so I get up the next day and continue.  Housework has become a chore that never ends... not liking that.  I spend a great deal of time on my feet, probably more than I should.  Thankfully my ankle doesn't hurt,  but it does continue to swell a lot.  When it gets too big, and tight, I rest and elevate.  Eventually my daily chores will get easier. To anyone with upcoming ankle replacement surgery, I highly recommend a housekeeping service, I found it hard to live without.  Thank you Dad and Michael for your loving and oh so generous gift!  I love you!

Hoops anyone?
I rode my bike the other day, for the first time.  It felt fabulous! My daughter was thrilled to ride with me, so happy to see me back out there. "Mama?  You're riding a bike"?  We love to ride bikes together, heck, we love to do ANYTHING together. Olivia was surpised recently, when I joined her on the basketball court that my neighbors had put in in their back yard not too long ago. I headed down the steep incline on the side of my house, knowing all along that Olivia's face would light up with one of her enormous toothy smiles when she caught sight of me.  There was the smile, that I adore more than anything, and we proceeded to shoot some hoops like the best of 'em. I don't take much for granted, I'm so grateful to get to have these moments that I have dreamed about for years. 

Life continues to improve as my family and I venture out and do the things we haven't been able to do (together) for so long.  It's a beautiful thing, and I relish every moment of each new step. I am especially thrilled by the happiness I see on the faces of my children and my husband. No longer do they see me in chronic debilitating pain.  Ankle replacement surgery has done more than wonders for my life.  Everyday I get to stand up and say "heck yeah, I'm not in pain anymore!"  Geez, what more can a person in my predicament ask for?  I still walk a little "funny" do to the stiffness in my ankle.  I really try to concentrate on every step but often find myself sticking my foot out to the right.  Bad habits are hard to break, but I'm working on it, and most likely will be, for years to come.  All I know is that the horrible pain is gone...totally gone.  I never expected to feel this good, ever. 

On the yucky side, I notice that my veins are bleeding, which is totally normal after ankle replacement surgery.  I've got some very unattractive blue marks all over my foot and ankle....  dots and smudges, ugly veins, and what have you.  Not pretty, but I am assured they will go away eventually.  I hope so, because summertime is not fun when you have veins bleeding all over your feet.  Oh well,  priorities....  ugly veins, or freedom from pain....hmmmmm.  I'll take the freedom!!  Thank you very much!

Speaking of unattractiveness, my scars are not exactly attractive.  I've viewed many a picture of post ankle replacement scars, and they look beautiful.  I can not say the same for mine, and I'm not sure why.  My big scar in the front is discolored and has brown spots where the sutures were, and in general, looks unruly.  I've seen improvement in the scar on the back of my calf, but still, it is not looking that great.  I've been using cocoa butter, vitamin e, mederma, you name it.... to no avail.  I won't give up though, I never do. And again, ugly scars, or freedom from pain....hmmmm.  I choose, yes, you know.... 


Suzanne :)


  1. Sorry you don't have housekeeping service anymore, but glad to hear you are mending, mending! It will take a while, I'm still recovering from my broken arm last year. Just keep at it! I love hearing the stories of how your family is reacting to your new mobility and ability. :-) Peace!

  2. I am proud of your progress! You inspire me as I look ahead to more freedom and mobility. I need a housekeeper now! I'm doing the best I can but my place is not nearly as meticulous as it was before my surgery.

    Today at Physical Therapy, they told me to massage my scar for the lumps and bumps but I don't know what the secret is for lightening it (except time). Be sure and let me know if you find the secret.

    I like reading your stories too!

  3. So glad to catch up with the blog and you are most welcome for the housekeeping service! Dad and I know they did a wonderful job and realize what a help it was.

    Was thrilled to see you dance at the wedding and to know you're becoming more mobile daily; the girls must be elated to have Mom join in all sorts of activities! That is wonderful...


  4. nice blog..........Ankle pain refers to any type of pain or discomfort in your ankles. This pain could be caused by an injury, like a sprain, such as arthritis. As we have a team of foot specialist, Physiotherapist, Orthotist , Podiatrist giving you complete satisfaction.
